30 September 2007


A real and recent ship wreck on the river Severn.


Garage doors reflected in a puddle at night on a 2 sec exposure.


KC was trying to step into his mum's shoes.


Found this little fella trying to hide from us under a leaf!


The view from inside the van in the morning.


This is a 360 degree view in a 2 sec exposure whilst out walking KC.


Back at the stables and KC is eating the cat food again!


I managed to womble these flowers from work. They were beautiful, so I gave them to K.


This just looks like an ordinary works van, until you take a closer look and spot the "action man" very random... but I liked it.


It's a shame what people throw out. Still the local cats had a comfy seat that night.


Not often you see buildings in the centre of Cheltenham being demolished.

21 September 2007


I've decided to sell the LadyBug. I haven't been camping in her all year and she needs to go to a good home where she will be taken out on more camping trips.


K and I have just taken up boxing... more for the fitness rather than the fighting! And this is where we do it.


I wanted to take a close up of the of Colby's eye and the reflections in it.


It was KC's first visit to the beach and he loved it.


Went round to a friends house for dinner. Set the camera up on time and just made it into the shot. It was a lovely evening.


Ooooh Yes! Saw these guys on the way to work.


It's dance night at the community centre.


I helped a work mate move some stuff to her new house. When we got to her street you couldn't miss this bus parked alongside one of the houses. I think they were using it like an extension.


Security lights, cctv, barb wire and fencing... No it's not Fort Knox it's Lydney bus station.


KC's not so bouncy ball!


It was Vanfest weekend. Ah don't they look lovely.


Rear lights on the Honda Civic. Yep another late night shot.


It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and it was warm, so Heidi and I broke free of the office and decided to work alfresco


Now this isn't the most interesting of photos but there is a great story to go with it. At 7.30pm K and I arrived here to go for a quick 45 min run. However, we got a little lost or should I say a lot lost. One track in the forest looks pretty much like another. So as it started to get dark we got a bit concerned... we didn't have our mobiles or a map or a torch! But we did have KC!!! K heard cars so we headed towards the main road where we discovered we were at Speech House, about 5 miles away from where we started. It was 8.45 pm and things couldn't have looked much worse. However the receptionist at Speech House, Kim came to the rescue and got us back to the carpark with about 5 mins to spare, hence why this sign was POTD.


Even junk can look interesting in the right light.


I know we pass them all the time, but it looks more inviting at night.


We spent Sunday morning having a look around Cardiff with slightly fuzzy heads. This is part of the Millenium stadium. It looked good at the time!


Today we went to Cardiff Pride. It was brilliant, as you can see by our smiles...and that had nothing to do with the cider!

08 September 2007


Newnham churchyard. I took a few shots without flash but, with flash it made it all the difference and created a spookier look.


I loved the colour of the sky and the silhouette on the horizon. It was amazing but it only lasted about 10 minutes then the sky was grey... again!